Programming Fundamentals – Beginner’s Guide

Programming Fundamentals – Beginner’s Guide, Learn about computers and programming.

I personally gave up coding a few times, because there are gaps in my understanding of computer fundamentals. I recovered and learned some coding myself. There is a way I did it and this course is just that. This course helps get to the nuts and bolts of computers & gives a jump start for coding.

I put in efforts to depict exactly how all the units in the computers are arranged and interconnected. Once you master this course you would organize your code and ideas well. The intent of this course is to keep it as simple as possible. Coding is always stereotyped for folks with special abilities. I refuse to accept that. I am a normal person who had great difficulty understanding the details when I started off. I prepared this course to reach out to my friends online who traversed the path of learning to code and sometimes gave up on coding feeling it difficult. I leveraged the best of the tools to pictorially depict or whiteboard the details for your better understanding. I hope you enjoy this course and provide me with constructive feedback.

The course is intended for purchase by adults, but lessons are appropriate for people of all ages. Parents and guardians are advised to manage enrollments of and supervise any learners under the age of 18.

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