Laravel from Scratch “Contact App” part 2
Laravel from Scratch “Contact App” part 2, A free course where you learn Laravel from Scratch.
In this video series, we’ll be building a Laravel application from Scratch.
This course is built for those developers starting with Laravel, but it can be a guideline for the more seasoned developers also, they may take a few things here and there, which they may have forgotten over time.
You’ll learn how to install Laravel, create your first Model, your first Controller, and migrations. We will also create the linkage between models and controllers with Route Model Binding.
You’ll also learn about relations, from the basic and simple “One To Many” relationships over “Many To Many” relationships and even about Polymorphic Relationships.
Throughout this course, we’ll be combing all of the above in an application where we’ll be using all the CRUD functionalities with the needed optimisations like Eager Loading, Scopes, and many more.
We’ll be creating custom commands and learning about the scheduler that Laravel provides for us, to automate processes. And notify users with emails, based on the basic behaviours of the application where we’ll be using Observers to catch the actions and trigger our emails within…
In this part, we’ll go through the first 10 videos of the series.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us via Udemy’s messaging system.