Kibana Masterclass – Capture, Analyze and Visualize Data

Kibana Masterclass – Capture, Analyze and Visualize Data, Learn to create Visualizations , and build amazing Dashboard, Capture logs and performance using APM and more.
What is Kibana ?
Kibana is one of the tools belonging to the ELK stack. It is one of the most popular tools to analyze and visualize big amount of data. This data maybe from Application Logs, Infrastructure Metrics or IOT devices.
What does this course cover ?
I have been using Kibana for visualizing and creating dashboard for multiple years , and have tried to keep this course as practical as possible. This is going to be a hands-on course wherein you would learn and understand various ways of ingesting data into Kibana and creating meaningful dashboards for types of roles in the company.
We are going to gain the knowledge in the following organized steps
- Adding data to Kibana
- Explore the data using Kibana Discover
- Create various types of visualizations ( pie chart , bar chart , line chart and more ) based on the type of data
- Also covering data aggregation and filtering
- We move on to Monitoring and analyzing metrics of applications and computers , and setting up email alerts
- Finally we also see how to build search engine for our website using App search and web crawlers
- As a bonus , I will also show you how you could leverage the ELK stack to build a logging system for your applications.
- We will be using an actual web application that I have developed and connect it to Kibana, we will then monitor and check the performance of our website.
This is the most in depth course on Kibana on Udemy , which will give your the knowledge to explore and implement Kibana at the fullest.
Finally, I am very active on Q&A and would be happy to assist you throughout the course.
Wish you all the best and happy learning.