How to install phpFox – a powerful social network platform

How to install phpFox – a powerful social network platform, Lean quickly how to install phpFox to your websites.

Welcome to the world of social network! In this course you will learn how to install phpFox to your websites. In this course, we will focus on installing software on your website We do not deep dive to phpFox features and functions in this course, that will be the the topic of the next course 🙂

Whether you want to build a social website for your business, organization, startup or just your common interest group, phpFox can help with lots of its built-in features. phpFox is a powerful social network platform for niche communities. It is fast, mobile ready and customizable and trusted by 15,000+ online communities worldwide.

phpFox Features

  • Easy to install

phpFox is quite easy to install, when you know what you are doing. In this course you will learn how to install the software to your website.

  • Social Network

Start your own social network website is never such easy with phpFox – probably the best social network software in the world. You can quickly create a social networking site with lots of built-in social features such as Friends, Feeds, User Profiles, Facebook Login, and much more. phpFox provides a lot of social network

  • Engagement

Your website will come alive with all of the great features we have, from Likes and Shares, to Pokes and E-Gifts. phpFox got it jam-packed with features to keep your users engaged with your site and interacting and give the ability for your users to engage other users on the site. They can manage their friends’ privacy from their “Privacy Settings” page and remove them at any time.

  • Monetization

Monetizing a social network doesn’t have to be hard, and phpFox make sure you have the right tools to get things started. Subscriptions, user ads, sponsorships and more! Fully integrated with Paypal payment gateway. Fully extendable by the payment gateway API should you need to add more gateways.

  • Localization

Your social network can become an international community once it grows. phpFox script is well-equipped for that with Multilingual, Right-to-Left, Currency and 3rd Party Translations.

  • Gamification

Gamification has much effect on motivating your users to take actions immediately. It encourages your users to contribute more and offer a good effect for community engagement. The gamification features include Activity Points, eGift and Promotions.

  • Administration

You have full control over your site with over 340 settings to choose from. You don’t need to have a much technical experience to use phpFox script. Most of them already have explanation and tutorials available. Admin Control Panel gives site admins full control of their social network from the content that is added to the activity of what is going on behind the scenes.

  • Extensibility

phpFox product is built on a platform with hooks placed throughout the entire script allowing you to extend the product directly from the Admin Control Panel, or 3rd party developers to extend the script functionalities via apps, themes, customization, etc.

A separate course in which I teach the function above (Engagement, Monetization, Localization, Gamification, Administration & Extensibility) is coming as soon as possible. Stay tuned for new courses and join this course now!

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