How does the Internet work & Networking Crash Course

How does the Internet work & Networking Crash Course, ‘How does the internet work?’ for visual learning lovers (Animated Approach)-Prerequisite for Hack, Cyber Security, IT.
Course Description
The internet is a part of our daily life and we use it constantly. But what is the internet? Have you ever really thought about it? Have you ever wondered what happens in the background when you enter a web page? If your answer to all these questions is yes, you are definitely looking at the right course. In this course, I assume you don’t know anything, and I’m slowly explaining what the internet is. You don’t need any prior knowledge to follow this course, since this course tells you everything from scratch.
The internet is actually more than what appears. I think everyone who uses the internet should know its basic features. Everyone who uses the Internet needs to know the ISP. Everyone who uses the Internet needs to know that the internet is actually cables spread all over the world. And in this course, we will go on a journey together and we will look at all these concepts in a very visual way. You will see exactly how the Internet works. And from now on, when you make an operation on the internet, you will feel much more knowledgeable.
Regardless of your age or profession, this course is for everyone. Just enroll and enjoy the videos. You will absolutely understand what the internet is when you finish this course.