Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Development in Python

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Development in Python, The absolute beginning skills needed to advance in a career as a GIS developer.
Introduction to the development of geographic information systems apps using python programming languages and geo pandas Module. The course is for absolute beginners who want to learn programming in python with ease and in a simplified form. We will go through three sections Programming algorithm combined with GIS software application architecture in the first section then Python Language in the second section and finally GIS development in the third section as described below:
Firstly application architecture lets the students get a solid knowledge of web applications and their development parts as well as the programming languages used in each part. by the end of this section, students will be able to choose their career path and can differentiate between the programming languages and any application tier. Moreover, they will be able to use and implement some important programming algorithms, draw flowcharts, and present solutions in structured English.
Secondly, Python is a programming language. The section aims to give students the ability to write code in python language and be able to convert any algorithm or flowchart into python code. All of the python coding programming paradigms needed for GIS development such as IF Statement, Loops, Functions, and Modular programming will be in the student’s hands by the end of this section.
Finally, the GIS Development section is designed to fill the intersected skills between python programming and geographic information systems to start professionally their career as GIS developers. the section focus on reading geodata from different file formats and processing it then generating a map with some required feature.