Cloud Native Fundamentals

Cloud Native Fundamentals, Learn how to structure, package, and release an application to a Kubernetes cluster, while using an automated CI/CD pipeline.

Throughout this course, students will learn how to structure, package, and release an application to a Kubernetes cluster, while using an automated CI/CD pipeline. Students will start by applying a suite of good development practices within an application, package it with Docker and distribute it through DockerHub. This will transition to the exploration of Kubernetes resources and how these can be used to deploy an application. At this stage, students will be comfortable using k3s to bootstrap a lightweight and functional Kubernetes cluster. Next, students will examine template configuration managers, such as Helm, to implement the parameterization of Kubernetes declarative manifests. Towards the end of the course, students will learn the fundamentals of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) with GitHub Actions and ArgoCD and completely automate the release process for an application.

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