Beginner’s Guide to Learn Python Programming Language
Beginner’s Guide to Learn Python Programming Language, Learn basics of python programming language.
Course Description
Learn the core programming concepts such as variables, data types, flow of control, functions, modules, packages and OOPS in python.
Course Structure
- Introduction to Python
- Installing Python
- Running Python Programs
- Course Structure (Variables, Control Flow, Functions, File handling, OOPS)
Basic constructs: Variables & Datatypes:
- Variables and datatypes
- Operators
- Basic Input / Output
Basic constructs: Control Flow:
- Conditions
- Loops
- Control flow
- Nested Conditions and Loops
Lists and Tuples:
- Lists
- Accessing / Modifying Lists
- Demo: Accessing / Modifying Lists
- Tuples
- Demo: Tuples
String Manipulation:
- Strings
- Operations – Concatenation, Indexing, Slicing, Search, other methods
- Common methods: len, lower, upper, strip, split, replace
- String Formatting
- Demo: String formatting
Sets and Dictionaries:
- Accessing / Modifying Dictionaries
- Demo: Dictionaries
- Accessing / Modifying Sets
- Demo: Sets
- Parameters and Return values
- Demo: Function with numbers
- Variable scopes – local, global
- Demo: scopes
File Handling:
- Read/Write files
- Modes and Exceptions
- Read/Write text file
- Handling exceptions
- Demo: File handling
Modules and Packages:
- Modules and Packages
- Importing modules
- Create / use packages
- Demo: modules & packages
Object-Oriented Programming:
- Classes and Objects
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Method overriding
What you will learn?
- Learn fundamentals of python programming language.
- Learn important data structures in python programming.
- Learn about modularization – function, modules and packages.
- Acquire the pre-requisite python skills to move into specific branches – Machine Learning, Data Science, etc.
- Basics knowledge of Internet and Computers
- Windows / Linux / Mac OS X Machine with Internet
Content team
- Expert: Dhayanidhi Chinnaraj, Arunkumar Krishnan
- Production: Vishnu Sakthivel, Visshwa Balasubramanian