AWS fundamentals quizz : prepare your certification!

AWS fundamentals quizz : prepare your certification!, If you want to test your knowledge about the fundamentals of AWS, this is the test to take.
A set of practice tests, that hold questions in form of MCQs are in your disposition. Only to let you test yourself with questions similar to those taken in the certification exam for AWS. Put yourself to the test Now!
Visit the practice test every once in a while, new questions are added every time the test is updated, only to cover all the basic features of AWS.
Throughout the test, you would be able, in the first version to scroll through question about the fundamentals of Amazon Web Service, and have explanations for each question that needs one.
The first version of the test contains 4 practice tests. Each test holds 10 MCQ questions, and for each one of those questions, is specified below wheither the question has multiple choices for an answer, or only one answer.
The time is specified before the beginning of each practice test, and can be monitored throught the process of answering questions.
Each practice test can be done within 15 minutes, which is the time allowed to the candidate.
The percentage needed for a practice test to be successful is also specified in the beginning. Concentration is key! Only the fact that you are here testing your knowledge about AWS means that you already made a long way in the process of learning, the only thing you would need is concentration and perserverance.
Good luck, dear all!