Alteryx Micro Credential Exam Preparation-November 2022

Alteryx Micro Credential Exam Preparation-November 2022, Alteryx Micro Credential Exam Preparation-November 2022.
Hello, Welcome to this new Alteryx Micro Credential Certification Preparations Course.
Are you looking to pass Alteryx Micro Credential Certification. Then this is the right place. In this course we will learn all the tools and configuration that you should know in order to Pass new Alteryx fundamental Exam. During the exam you will be tested based on two important modules. One is Basics of statistical analysis. Around 35 % questions will come from this module.
Second module is, Basics of Alteryx Designer. From this module, you will get around 65% questions. The main objective of this module is to test your knowledge about Alteryx Designer user interface elements and explain the function of each element.
The Alteryx Foundation Micro-Credential tests your knowledge of data analytics concepts and key Designer functionality. In the exam, you will get questions from data types and data formats. You should know all the basic components of Alteryx Designer. Also you should have clear idea about some of the commonly used tools within Alteryx with their functionality.
Now let us check what are we going to learn from this course.
- What is mean by structured and unstructured data and how to compare structured and unstructured data formats?
- What is file extensions, and how to check file extensions?
- What is mean by quantitative data analysis and qualitative data analysis?
- Different types of data and standard formats of date data types.
- What is meta data and what is the use of meta data?
- How Alteryx help you to check meta data?
- We will learn basic statistical measures like mean median, mode, max & min
- Different components of Alteryx designer studio
- Important shortcuts in Alteryx
- How to use help and supporting documents and learning materials in Alteryx.
- Important file types in Alteryx designer.
- Important tools in Alteryx
- Demos.