100+ Power User Mac Keyboard Shortcuts – macOS 11 Big Sur

100+ Power User Mac Keyboard Shortcuts – macOS 11 Big Sur, Learn how to use keyboard shortcuts to quickly navigate inside your macOS system and applications. Automate common tasks.
Course Description
Mac OS is GREAT … If
You can use the whole potential of it, if you know what you’re doing.
What if you could simply press two keys on your keyboard and have your Mac’s save dialog box pop-up on the screen? You surely know Command-C for copying text or files. This doesn’t sound like a big deal at first, but when you add all of the other functions built into your MacOS, than keyboard shortcuts could save you a lot of time during the day.
There is a massive library of shortcuts on the Mac and with this super short and quick videos you can get it into your hands in no time. Take advantage of downloadable materials which also comes for FREE
Keyboard shortcuts will simplify your workflow whether your working in a writing document, a graphics application, or trying to switch from one running application to another
If you want to get more from your Mac than …
Check out the Master macOS Ventura – The Complete Course in 2023 and start using the full potential of newest macOS called Ventura.
I have put together the most comprehensive and up to date course which includes more than 80 video tutorials and more than 6 hours of video instructions. I don’t want to see people wasting so much time on such a powerful operating system.
I’m using Mac computer everyday for more than 10 years and still learning new techniques and shortcuts how to optimise my workflow and I want to share it all with you. When I bought my first MacBook after using Windows for many years, it took me many hours to learn even basic functionalities in Mac OS and months before I became entirely comfortable with my Mac.
This course will take you from a beginner / intermediate to an advanced Mac OS user in no time!
What makes this courses different?
It has unique filming style which makes video tutorials fresh and not boring
It is straight to the point and clear to understand.
I offer full personalised support in Q&A section and also in closed facebook group for enrolled students