Investing, retirement, mindset and personal finances (intro)

Investing, retirement, mindset and personal finances (intro), Course 1. Learn the basic terms and information needed to get started on your journey to retirement and wealth.
Course Description
This course is an informative course for those who do not know anything at all when it comes to investing. We will go over different types of investments, where you can invest, compare different types of investments and briefly talk about the mindset of investing. I have narrowed down this course to talk about the most important information you’ll need instead of throwing every single thing about investing there is to know in a long extensive course. You can use this knowledge to your advantage to make less mistakes than the average investor because you will have a head start. This is not a get rich quick course, this course will help get you started on your journey to wealth in retirement. Basics first.
We will not go over how to buy and make full moves yet in this course because I recommend studying and getting financials in order first. In the next course, we will go over how to assess stocks and funds for your retirement account while showing you how to navigate through different accounts and brokerages. If you already know the basics but do not know what to do next, I recommend taking the next course.
The subjects we will go over:
•What is an investment? Different types of Investing. Can anyone invest? Should you invest? Where can you invest? What is a brokerage account? Basic terms.
•What are stocks? What is a Mutual fund? What is an Index fund? What is an ETF? What are dividends?
•What are the risks? Diversification. Realized and unrealized gains/losses. Capital gains. Compound interest.
•Assessing/Valuing stocks intro. Rushing, hype and FOMO. Long term vs short term. Options trading, day trading and margin.
•Mindset. Personal finances, goals and budget intro.