Getting To Know Traditional Investment Asset Classes

Getting To Know Traditional Investment Asset Classes, And Add More Tools To Your Arsenal To Grow Your Wealth.

Investing is not easy by itself. To make things worse, markets often throw us a curveball when we least expect it. Over the recent decade, we have already witnessed a global pandemic and we have also been afflicted by inflation. This can lead to drastic corrections in our investment portfolio. The only defense we have is to ensure our portfolio is well-diversified and not concentrated in a single asset class. Alternative asset classes are also increasingly becoming an important tool when traditional assets correlate to the downside.

This course is a basic introduction to traditional asset classes in the market. It is by no means comprehensive but should be able to equip beginner investors to start their investing journey. Intermediate to experienced investors can take this as a refresher course as well.

  • Introduction to traditional asset classes
  • Learn the respective benefits of asset classes
  • Learn the respective risks of asset classes
  • Learn what drives the prices of the respective asset classes
  • Learn how to gain exposure to respective asset classes

Diversification is the only free lunch in investing. Equip yourself with the knowledge to build a diversified portfolio today!

This is part 1 of a two-part series. Part 2 will introduce non-traditional asset classes in the market.

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