How to Live “The Real Life”

How to Live “The Real Life” A 7-Day Course to Living Your Best Life.
*** No Stock Photos or Music – Just You and Me getting REAL! ***
Not just a course … a “Revolution to the Real Life.”
I went from laying in bed lost and depressed during 2020, to launching multiple income streams, publishing 3 books, and producing a sold-out play.
I’ve been to the bottom, Sweet Soul, so I know how to get back up.
Do days leave you tired and feeling unfulfilled? I’ve been there, unable to find any joy in life, full of fear and doubt. I remember trying all kinds of things to get my life together and start something new…
I trusted God would bring me a solution, but I also knew God Helps Those Who Help Themselves… So, using all my powers as an investigative writer, I researched the best known self-help methods, letting myself become a guinea pig. To my astonishment, I discovered methods that not only worked, but brought out my higher self, transforming my life completely.
My own journey through darkness, and a battle with myself, led this course. This golden prize I offer you, Sweet Soul….
I share with you the exact methods that set the stage for me living my best life, just months after laying in bed tired and depressed.
I unveil secrets of the ancients and fuse them with modern insights that could only arise from the trials of a pandemic.
In the end, you will know what it means to live the “Real Life,” elevated in frequency with new insights to bring forth your Higher Self into everything you do and everyone you know.
* Feel free to repeat this course weekly until you’re truly living the “Real Life,” manifesting your dreams effortlessly, like running on cruise control.
“The Real Life” Course Outline:
1. How to Make Mornings “Victorious”
2. Boosting Energy Like the Ancients
3. Looking Good, Feeling Confident
4. The Secret to “Flow States”
5. How to Actually Know Your “Real” Self
6. Manifesting Income and Dreams
7. Living the “Real Life” Effortlessly.