Essential Oils for Weight Loss, Health and Vitality

Essential Oils for Weigh
Discover the Power of Essential Oils for Improved Energy and Health t Loss, Health and Vitality,

Discover the power of healing Essential Oils.

Joan Kaylor has been a therapist for over 25 years. She incorporates the healing energy of plants with her clients with tremendous results.

In this course Joan shares how she uses Essential Oils both on herself and with her clients. This is down to earth, real world uses of these amazing oils.

Not all Essential Oils are covered as she only talks about the Oils and Blends that she personally uses in her daily practice. Joan will discuss how she uses the Oil and best practices for you.

Essential Oils covered are:

  1. Lavender
  2. Clove
  3. Frankincense
  4. Grapefruit
  5. Wild orange
  6. Peppermint
  7. Lemon
  8. Cinnamon
  9. Lemongrass

Joan also shares the potent blends of Essential Oils that she uses.

She has found them to be very effective for Thyroid issues, depression, lack of focus, stress reduction, boosting the immune system, increasing motivation and relief from sore muscles.

Start using Essential Oils to support your health today.

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