Open, Digital and Future Banking : A Future Ready Banker

Open, Digital and Future Banking: A Future Ready Banker, How a digital bank thinks, act and innovate: Cases from inside.
Course Description
Open, digital, and future banking
You might be familiar with the term Open banking; if not, to keep it short, it is a financial services term that describes the use of application programming interfaces (APIs) to provide access to banking data and services.
Open banking is often seen as a way to increase competition in the banking sector by giving consumers and businesses more choices in how they access and use banking services. It can also provide a way for new participants in the banking sector to develop innovative products and services. As new Fintech companies are emerging, it is not far from the traditional banking sector that will eventually transform into new ways of banking.
As new innovative products and services are being developed and the banking sector is in a transitional phase, it has brought excellent opportunities for banking aspirants to opt for a career in this segment. There are many reasons why students should opt for a career in open banking. First and foremost, it offers students the opportunity to gain valuable experience in the financial industry. In addition, it also provides students with the chance to work with cutting-edge technology and develop new skills.
We have prepared a highly engaging course to allow students to study and understand the banking field through the lens of tech companies. The course will provide you with a detailed overview of the following:
· What is open banking?
· Case study on DBS (How it became The Best Bank in the World), which will include topics like:
The reasons for its transformation
DBS Balanced Scorecard
DBS Strategic Initiatives
· Why is digital banking the need of the hour?
· The roadmap to digitalization, which includes topics on
Providing a robust digital core (IT infrastructure layers, Banking as a Service, Banking as a Platform, Cloud-based infrastructure, and White label banking.
Ease of banking for customers and employees (CRM and its benefits, use of API banking and its categories, and detailed insight into omnichannel modules
Security aspects of digitalization (data analytics, credit monitoring, early warning signals, machine learning, and AI: Moody’s Analytics, Artificial Neural network, Random forest, Boosting, and Cloud security.
· The Future of banking
Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
Blockchain technology
Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)
We hope that you find this course valuable and informative. Happy Learning!