What Happens if I cant Pay My Home Loan-FREE

What Happens if I cant Pay My Home Loan-FREE, How to get assistance now.
Course Description
Navigating through the noise of the media, regulators, government programs, social media, friends and family and the latest scam offers. It is so hard to know what is accurate information, and what assistance is available. We designed this free course to guide you to getting the assistance you need now. A simple blueprint to decipher what you qualify for and the necessary resource links and tips to get started. We provide questions and insights from people who are in the same situation. We provide Servicer Guidelines.
Your instructors Shelly Cofini and Amy Sessner want you to get informed, so you can make informed choices. The course comes with a workbook filled with resources, links and phone numbers. We include actual links to real websites with phone numbers, not scam sites looking to make money off of your hardship.
This course is taught by seasoned professionals in real estate and lending, who have experienced hardships personally, and who learned a lot from the experience and which fueled their desire to assist homeowners in distress. They hope to provide timely insights and great questions to ask as well as what you can expect, from current programs and loan servicers.