QuickBooks Desktop – Export Directly to Tax Software Lacerte

QuickBooks Desktop – Export Directly to Tax Software Lacerte, How to set up tax line mapping for a sole proprietorship and S Corporation & export data to tax software.

Course Description

The course will discuss options for getting access to QuickBooks desktop software including a free 30-day test period offered by Intuit, the owners of QuickBooks Desktop.

Learners will know how to set up tax line mapping for a sole proprietorship and S Corporation, tax line mapping allowing users to export financial data from QuickBooks directly into tax software.

We will be using Lacerte tax software for our examples. Lacerte tax software is owned by Intuit and a 30-day free trial may be available to test out Lacerte tax software as well.

We will export financial data from QuickBooks to Lacerte tax for both a sole proprietorship and an S Corporation.

The course will also demonstrate how to export financial data to Excel and create supporting tax worksheets that show tax adjustments and reconcile financial statements for book purposes and financial statements for tax purposes.

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