Inter-Company Transaction Tutorials

Inter-Company Transaction Tutorials, Learn inter-company important financial accounting concept, its methods and impact.
Course Description
Inter-company Transaction Tutorials:
A non-controlling interest (NCI) refers to a type of investment in a company in which the investor has no or little control over that company. Through this training you shall understand an important financial accounting concept, its methods and impact. All the concepts are explained extensively by the use of various case studies for the purpose of deep and insightful understanding. Through these tutorials we shall brush upon the very basic of management accounting and how to take decisions related to it. The training has been taken with the help of practical illustrations and examples to understand the topics better. Management Accounting as the definition goes is the recording of all the costs incurred in a business in a way that can be used to improve its management.
The training will include the following;
- Introduction – Meaning of Subsidiary, Associate and Joint Venture as per IFRS
- Types of intercompany profit transactions
- Examples
Downstream Sale of Goods
Upstream Sale of Goods
Downstream Sale of Goods – Partially sold to third parties
Upstream Sale of Goods – Partially sold to third parties
Sale to/by Associate
Sale to/by Joint Venture
Downstream Sale of depreciable asset
Upstream Sale of depreciable asset
Unrealized Losses – downstream & upstream sale
Lateral transactions
- Conclusion
- Self Test
Target Customers:
- Accountants
- Cost Accountants
- Tax consultants
- Students
- Foundation knowledge of Accounting terms
- Passion to learn and apply