Financial Statement Analysis 102 : Balance Sheet

Financial Statement Analysis 102 : Balance Sheet, Simplify Balance Sheet : Learn & Apply.

Course Description

I am sure you will enjoy this course as a beginner.

Balance Sheet is the statement to look for assets, liabilities & equity.

This course will help you kick start in the world of finance. This course focuses on teaching balance sheet in a very simple manner so that a non finance student can also learn it with ease. This course will simplify terms like assets, liabilities & equity.  You will also be able to learn 4 ratios including Cash Ratio, Current Ratio, Debt to Equity and Assets to Equity.  We will not leave it to only fundamentals – but we will apply the learnings to a practical example of DMart (which is a renowned retailer in India)

Remember – you only learn by repeating things… so repeat this course whenever you get time (do it more than one time)

Finance seems to be very difficult for many. Coming from IIT background (technical), I faced really hard time learning finance. I want to put things in as simple way as possible so that you don’t face hard time learning it.

Fun is very important part of learning. Fun should be integrated in learning otherwise you get bored. I have tried including examples which will excite you and will help you complete the course in one go.

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