R and Python coding with Prython

R and Python coding with Prython, Learn how to use the newest R/Python IDE (integrated development environment) for data science, analytics and ML.
Course Description
In this course we will learn how to use Prython, which offers a different way of coding than existing R/Python IDEs. It allows us to drop our code into panels that we place and connect in a canvas. In a normal IDE your code will run linearly from start to end, making it really hard to create sub-experiments/tests, and also to organise your project clearly. In Prython each panel accepts multiple IN and OUT connections, effectively transforming it into a 2D Jupiter notebook. It also has a wide array of tools that complement this canvas functionality: such as displaying dataframes next to the panels that modified them, allowing you to freeze your outputs, attaching consoles, navigation markers, etc.
We assume that the student is already familiar with R or Python, and some familiarity with matplotlib, scikit-learn,or keras would be beneficial as well.