Python Programming for Beginners | 2021 Edition

Python Programming for Beginners | 2021 Edition, Learn Python Programming Fast and Easy.

In this Python course for beginners you will get everything explained in detail. No step is left out, so you can start right from the beginning. From syntaxfunctions to data types, everything is taught in an easy to understand way for beginners and novices.

Course Content:

What is Python?
How to install PythonIntroduction to Python syntax
Python data typesPython program flows
Execute PythonFunctions in Python
Python file reading
Python programming exercise part 1
Python programming exercise part 2
Python programming exercise part 3
Python programming exercise part 4
Python programming exercise part 5
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Object Oriented Programming (Introduction)
OOP in Python.

The instructor has been in the IT industry for over 15 years in user support. Explaining complicated things in a simple way is part of his daily practice.

He does not explain dry theory from experts for experts, but explains everything in a practice-oriented way for beginners and novices in an understandable and comprehensible way.

This way of imparting knowledge leads to quick successes and “aha” experiences for his course participants. In addition, the fun factor is very high in the knowledge transfer in his video courses.

Profit now from his knowledge, know-how, tips and tricks from many years of practical experience in various fields. Axel has often experienced how participants have switched from frustrated to happy and enthusiastic in seconds through relaxed and entertaining knowledge transfer.

Do you want to get started right now and learn Python programming? Then go ahead…

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