Pre-Flutter & Dart: Everything To Know Before You Start!

Pre-Flutter & Dart: Everything To Know Before You Start!, The Only Course You Need Before You Begin Learning Flutter & Dart! Can It Lead To A Career For You?
Course Description
Before you go on start to Learn Flutter & Dart. Is it really worth learning ?
I will give you the basic information you need to know before you dive in deep to learn Flutter & Dart.
As the title states, this is a Pre-Google Flutter course which means that I will go over the basics and essentials you should know about if you are curious about Google Flutter.
App development has gained a lot of popularity over the years and it is predicted to continue growing. There seems to be an app for everything. And this is why many people are entering this field. If you are interested, you should consider learning more about Google Flutter and Dart to see how they can help you in your app development journey.
You will see that the entire course has been divided into sections to make sure I’m able to convey all of the information in the easiest manner possible. The basic flow that this course follows is… first I will explain about Flutter and why it is a Software Development Kit or SDK you should know about. Then I will talk about Dart which is an object-oriented and class-defined language. I will go over benefits of both, help you understand the history of mobile app development, and most importantly I will go over the job opportunities you can have as an app developer who knows Google Flutter and Dart.
Wondering about career opportunities linked to your skills is a valid question to have. If you are considering to learn Google Flutter you should know how much money you will be able to make because of it. In this course, I have gone over the opportunities you will get as a freelancer as well as a traditional hire. There is money to be made in both paths. It all comes down to what you wish to accomplish.
So, in short I will go over:
- What is Google Flutter
- What is Dart
- Benefits of Google Flutter and Dart
- Why Flutter decided to use Dart
- Career path – Freelancing as a Google Flutter developer or as a regular hire
- And more!
Again, I thank you for considering to select this course I have created about Google Flutter and Dart. I hope it is able to provide you the information you have been looking for.