Modern Reinforcement-learning using Deep Learning
Model types, Algorithms and approaches, Function approximation, Deep reinforcement-learning, Deep Multi-agent Reinforcem.
Hello I am Nitsan Soffair, A Deep RL researcher at BGU.
In my Deep reinforcement-learning course you will learn the newest state-of-the-art Deep reinforcement-learning knowledge.
You will do the following
- Get state-of-the-art knowledge regarding
- Model types
- Algorithms and approaches
- Function approximation
- Deep reinforcement-learning
- Deep Multi-agent Reinforcement-learning
- Validate your knowledge by answering short and very short quizzes of each lecture.
- Be able to complete the course by ~2 hours.
- Model types
- Markov decision process (MDP)
A discrete-time stochastic control process.
- Partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP)
A generalization of MDP in which an agent cannot observe the state.
- Decentralized Partially observable Markov decision process (Dec-POMDP)
A generalization of POMDP to consider multiple decentralized agents.
- Markov decision process (MDP)
- Algorithms and approaches
- Bellman equations
A condition for optimality of optimization of dynamic programming.
- Model-free
A model-free algorithm is an algorithm which does not use the policy of the MDP.
- Off-policy
An off-policy algorithm is an algorithm that use policy 1 for learning and policy 2 for acting in the environment.
- Exploration-exploitation
A trade-off in Reinforcement-learning between exploring new policies to use existing policies.
- Value-iteration
An iterative algorithm applying bellman optimality backup.
An algorithm for learning a Markov decision process policy
- Q-learning
A model-free reinforcement learning algorithm to learn the value of an action in a particular state.
- Bellman equations
- Function approximation
- Function approximators
The problem asks us to select a function among a well-defined class that closely matches (“approximates”) a target function in a task-specific way.
- Policy-gradient
Value-based, Policy-based, Actor-critic, policy-gradient, and softmax policy
A policy-gradient algorithm.
- Function approximators
- Deep reinforcement-learning
- Deep Q-Network (DQN)
A deep reinforcement-learning algorithm using experience reply and fixed Q-targets.
- Deep Recurrent Q-Learning (DRQN)
Deep reinforcement-learning algorithm for POMDP extends DQN and uses LSTM.
- Optimistic Exploration with Pessimistic Initialization (OPIQ)
A deep reinforcement-learning for MDP based on DQN.
- Value Decomposition Networks (VDN)
A multi-agent deep reinforcement-learning algorithm for Dec-POMDP.
A multi-agent deep reinforcement-learning algorithm for Dec-POMDP.
A multi-agent deep reinforcement-learning algorithm for Dec-POMDP.
- Weighted QMIX
A deep multi-agent reinforcement-learning for Dec-POMDP.
- Deep Q-Network (DQN)
- Wikipedia
- David Silver’s Reinforcement-learning course