Master Articulate Storyline 360 & Create eLearning Course

Master Articulate Storyline 360 & Create eLearning Course, You will be able to learn and create interactive eLearning courses with Articulate Storyline 360.

Course Description

Welcome guys in this course I will be your instructor. In this course, I will talk straight to the point. Therefore, we will cover more in less time.

I tried my best to make this course compact and valuable. Because lots of people don’t have enough time to watch lengthy courses. So, if you are one of those then this is perfect course for you.

Storyline 360 empowers you to create any interactive e-learning course you can imagine for any device imaginable, from desktop and laptop computers to tablets and smartphones. Storyline 360 is part of Articulate 360, which has everything you need for the entire course authoring process.

In this course first of all you will learn about the basics of articulate storyline 360, such as animations, insert and format text, inserting prebuilt templates, keyboard shortcuts and I will also walk you through storyline interface, after that you will learn about how to built custom reusable templates and you will also learn about slide master and then in the next chapters you will learn about variables and quizzes.

You will also learn about how to branch learners to different scenarios, how to create and use characters in your projects, we will also learn about how to navigate learners and also learn about how to use data entry fields.

Now this are just the few things I have mentioned here. You will find much more value in the course.

With Storyline, you build slide-based lessons that blend instruction, audio, video, and interactions to create engaging online courses. Every slide is a blank canvas for organizing your content into scenes: when users interact with different elements on the slide, certain actions trigger certain responses.

Articulate Storyline 360 is simple enough for beginners, yet powerful enough for experts. And it lets you create virtually any interaction you can imagine, in minutes.

So, this is complete course about articulate storyline 360. You will not need any other course once you complete this course.

So, I hope to see you in this Articulate Storyline 360 journey.

Thank you.


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