Linux: Learn Some Awesome Commands Ever

Linux: Learn Some Awesome Commands Ever, Don’t wait, Just Learn It.
Course Description
Linux is the operating system of choice for the enterprise that needs a stable, agile and open-source platform…
It’s very popular os at IT Sector…
It’s more flexible to use a command line
In this Course, I will show you some superb cool commands in Linux
[some commands you never heard that before..]
Nowadays so many people want to learn new commands…
At the end of this course, You surely feel like an Awesome!!
About this course
- Over 26 Lectures
- Full, free lifetime access
- 24/7 Instructor Chat Support
- Certificate Of Completion
My Own Quote:
“In this world, No one is don’t have any skills, everyone have a skills, some people not explore that, that is a mistake…”