Linux Commands for Beginners

Linux Commands for Beginners, Learn Linux Commands and how to use them in less than an hour to start using Linux like professionals.
In this course we will teach you
– Basic Linux Commands
– Intermediate Commands
– Some tips and tricks on how to use Linux Terminal
– How to get Linux for testing inside Windows without formatting or doing a clean install
Most people fail to use the terminal and go to the GUI because they don’t know what are the most common commands, or they know the commands but they don’t know how to use them inside Linux terminal. This is why in this course we take you in a step by step manner on how to write, use and implement these commands via a terminal.
Another problem that most people have is that they thing they need to install Linux a alongside windows to learn it or to try things out, well, that is not that case, we will also teach you how to install Linux iso file for the best distribution available out there, and how to use it without having to restart your computer, right inside your windows operation system without the hustle of doing a full install or face the fear of losing all of your files if you are going for a clean install.
I’m sure that at the end you will learn something, specially if you are a beginner