Learn Python with projects # Python Weekend Course
Learn Python with projects # Python Weekend Course, Learn & Increase your Python skills & logical thinking in just 2 hours with this project oriented weekend course.
Course Description
Increase your python Knowledge by practicing Real life projects based on python and learn more by Practice activities given in this course.
In this course you will get to learn about :
- Some wonderful python projects that will strengthen your CV
- how to develop new project ideas in python programming language
- how to implement new project ideas on your own using Python.
- Some best libraries of python like time, playsound, Tkinter etc.
- Logic building ability for making projects in Python
- Some new concepts of python programming language
- Build fun and memorable projects
- Learn how to code in Python in simple and easy way.
- Learn Python Functions Programming.
- CREATE your own Programs and Applications using python.
- Graphical User Interface (GUI) in Python
- Errors and Exceptions Handling
- Be able to use the in-built Python modules for their own projects
- Build Python Graphical User Interfaces(GUI) with Tkinter
- Build simple Python based games using programming loops and functions
- Get a handle on working with Python 3
- Working with text editors like Jupyter Notebook.
- Be able to program in Python professionally
- Build GUIs and Desktop applications with Python
In this course you will learn to make different python projects, which help you to learn “How to put theory into practice and How to think computationally Problem solving with Python with help of numerous exercises.”
Projects are basically named as:
- Number Guessing Game
In this project we create a script, which will ask the user to guess a number between 1 and 100.
Best part is user has only 5 guesses to guess the number which make this game more interesting.
We are using the random module with the randrange() function to get a random number.
In this project you will learn about random module, time module and its functions, while loop, if elif statement and more.
- Tic-Tac-Toe
Tic-Tac-Toe is a very simple two-player game. So only two players can play at a time. This game is also known as Noughts and Crosses or Xs and Os game. One player plays with X and the other player plays with O. In this game we have a board consisting of a 3X3 grid. In this project we create a script which help us to play this game.
In this project you will learn about Python dictionary, creating function and function calling , list, string string concatenation, for loop, if elif statement and more.