Introduction to High-Availability (HA) Solutions in Azure

Introduction to High-Availability (HA) Solutions in Azure, A high-level overview of how to approach high-availability solutions in the cloud.

In late 2022, I was asked to present to a local Azure User Group in Portugal. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to video record the talk to release it for people to view after the event. If you did not see it in person, or live online at the time, then you would have missed it.

So I decided to record it myself from home and post it here at Udemy.

Some important caveats before you enroll in this course:

  1. I created this presentation for an in-person event. If I was making it as a course, I might have structured things a bit differently. But ultimately, this is a presentation with slides and talking.
  2. Unlike my other Azure courses, this course does not prepare you for any official Microsoft certification or exam. None of the content aligns with any official Microsoft exam.
  3. And given only an hour or so to present, I could not get into deep technical details like building a solution inside Azure itself. This is intended to be an overview to inspire further research.

The course covers four overall topics:

  1. The concepts of availability and high availability (HA)
  2. The concept of Service Level Agreement (SLA)
  3. High availability services in Azure
  4. Five Steps to a High-Availability Solution

You should be able to watch the course all at once, and you are not expected to have an Azure account or follow along with any hands-on demos.

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