Intoduction to Jupyter Notebook Complete Course

Intoduction to Jupyter Notebook Complete Course, Jupyter Notebook to work with Python and data science for absolute beginners.
Hey there!
Well, this is a complete course where we are going to go through all the ins and outs of using the best tool in the marketplace for the programmers and the developers, and this tool is loved by millions of developers from all around the globe. I am talking about the Jupyter Notebook and here I am going to elaborate on each of the steps to use this amazing tool for your research from installation all the way to practical application in the demo.
So you might have heard about Jupyter before or you might have seen some of the tutorials about this as well but what makes this course so unique in the domain that here I am going to take you through the demo of using Jupyter Notebook on an Actual Data Science Project where you are going to see everything about Jupyter notebook. Well, we will also be talking about Python and Data Science a bit to elaborate on what we are doing in the demo session.
This is going to be a very precise and very well-organized course and I have tried my best to keep it Short and Simple so that each one of you can follow along and not overwhelm with like 7 or 8 hours of video content. But here I want to make sure that this course is in no regards any less than those of the courses with such high numbers of hours of video content here I have covered everything about Jupyter but have kept it simple and short enough that the student can learn quickly and not get bored with it.
And the main thing that makes this course worth it is the demo session where you will get the actual knowledge and there we are going to have a look at the data science project and we will be using Python Programming language for that, we will see the data manipulation and all of this kind of stuff so it is going to be so much fun so make sure to be a part of this.
Most importantly if you have any questions or queries regarding the course contents and Jupyter Notebook, feel free to leave a question for the instructor and I will try my best to return to you as soon as possible.