How To Make Your Dream Website With Free Tools In 30 Minutes
How To Make Your Dream Website With Free Tools In 30 Minutes, Simple & Fun.
Course Description
Hey I’m excited to show you in this video how to build a website that’s easy simple and fun to do, using a brand new tool that makes it possible to create anything that you want.
My goal for you is to have your website up in 30 minutes, faster than having lunch!
I’m going to show you step by step every step of the way how to build and customize your website. We’ll be using WordPress which is the same thing a lot of celebrities and companies use such as Forbes, Katy Perry, Apple, CNN and Mashable.
Let’s get going! There are 3 steps to completing your website
Step 1 is choosing your websites address, also known as your domain name, just like ours is Websites Made Easy (.)tv you’ll have your very own domain name too. And hosting so your website has somewhere to live and people can find it.
Step 2 is creating your websites pages and launching your brand new website.
And in Step 3 You’ll be getting to know Elementor and Envato Elements which are the secret tools to creating an awesome-looking website which not only is unique to you, but is so easy to use your going to love it! It’s something I wish I had when I first started doing this.