Core JavaScript and Advanced JavaScript

Core JavaScript and Advanced JavaScript, Complete modern JavaScript course from scratch.
JavaScript is THE most important programming language you need to learn as a web developer – and with this course, you make sure that you will not miss a single thing you have to know as a JavaScript developer!
JavaScript is an amazing programming language, that allows you to create powerful web applications,
You can’t be a web developer these days without knowing JavaScript, On the other hand, if you can master JavaScript, you can become a successful web developer You can easily do what others find difficult,
you can easily learn core JavaScript and advanced JavaScript in this course.
welcome to the core JavaScript and advanced JavaScript course.
hello, my name is Jayanta Sarkar I am a full stack web developer and online instructor.
This course will take you from zero JavaScript knowledge to advanced JavaScript knowledge.
This course is a complete pack of practical and fun coding.
We start this adventure to learn the fundamentals of modern JavaScript,
from there we will learn about intermediate es6 features, then we are going to jump into the advanced javascript such as object-oriented programming advanced Dom manipulation, promise async-await function, and module.
and from time to time I will give you some exercises also.
and remember this course is not over yet in just a couple of hours. Every week I will continue to update this course.
You are about to get a complete JavaScript package .
what are you waiting for enrolling in this course now.