Building Theme for WordPress with Bootstrap

Building Theme for WordPress with Bootstrap, Learn basics of the WordPress theme creation.
Hi, and I’m happy to welcome you to my own simple WordPress course, which will be a great start to start the development of WordPress themes. This is a really simple course with short videos where I show you how WordPress uses templates and how you can create themes. And yes, in this course we gonna use a Bootstrap library only for building grids for templates.
The focus of this course
The main focus of this course – is to teach you the basics of building WordPress themes. Here we will not talk about design or something like this.
Who is this course for?
If you are an absolute zero in WordPress theme creation – this course will be a great start for you. But if you already know how to create the main templates, and how to work with custom post types, taxonomies, and others – I think that you need to find a more advanced course.
What you will learn in this course?
So as I said, in this course, you gonna learn the basics of WordPress theme creation. You will learn how to create the main template files of the theme, how to create custom post types, error pages, taxonomies, and many other things.
What do you need to know before starting this course?
You will need to know the basics of PHP development, the basics of WordPress, and also about using the HTML markup language.