Android Fundamentals of Activities for Beginners

Android Fundamentals of Activities for Beginners, Android Fundamentals of Activities for Beginners by using Java Programming Language.
Course Description
*** Learn the Fundamentals of Android Activities with Java Programing Language***
Ever wanted to learn the basics of Android Activities in Android Studio but thought they were hard?
Good news, they’re not! I will show you just how easy it can be!
You just need the basic knowledge of Java and Little-bit knowledge of Android Studio.
Well, that’s why I created this “Android Fundamentals of Activities for Beginners by using Java Programming Language”. Course No other course takes you from beginner (with no experience) to full apps development. I will show you how to:
- What are the main components of Android Applications?
- How Android activity works.
- Learn the entire app concepts in great detail.
This course is for you if you:
- Are a beginner or novice to Android App development or Game Development
- Want to understand the concept of Android Development?
- Love to do new things
- Have a basic understanding of Java and Android Studio.
This course is not for you if:
You are an expert or have Advanced knowledge of Android Application Development.
What software do you need?
Android Studio (free) which runs on PC / Mac / Linux
Do you need experience?
Yes. I assume you should have some basic knowledge of Java and Android Studio. No app development experience is needed.
As a reminder you will Learn:
- The basic of Android Activity Fundamentals.
- The concept will be explained in more detail.
- You will get a full source code of the applications.