Advanced Flutter and Laravel Passport Authentication

Advanced Flutter and Laravel Passport Authentication, Advanced app development.
In this course, we are going to build a real-world authentication app using Laravel, Laravel Passport, and Flutter. It’s a step-by-step implementation of modern development techniques in enterprise application development. We will learn how to structure Flutter and Laravel applications for a relatively big application, how to handle errors on both server and client among many, and more importantly how to communicate and understand each other between the client application and server.
By the use of the Laravel passport, we will be able to generate secure tokens to enable resource transfer between the flutter client application and the Laravel application. The use of interceptors on the flutter clients enables the application to handle conveniently the HTTP request to the Laravel application.
We will learn how to deal with files, how to transfer them from the client to the server, and how to store them as well as how to retrieve them from the server.
Another important part of this course will be the auto-login. Upon the application launch, we will check if the user token is still valid and if so, we route the user to the application else we re-route the user to the authentication page to acquire a new auth token.