Android Application UI Creation in Adobe XD for Beginners

Android Application UI Creation in Adobe XD for Beginners, Android Application UI Creation in Adobe XD for Beginners | Learn Step-By-Step about the tools of Adobe XD.
Create Your First Project in Adobe XD!
Ever wanted to make designs in Adobe XD but thought they were hard?
Good news, they’re not! I will show you just how easy it can be!
No designing experience needed whatsoever!
Well, that’s why I created this Adobe XD UI Creation for Android Application Course No other course takes you from beginner (with no experience) to a full UI development. I will show you how to:
⦁ Create Different Screens of the Application.
⦁ Setup Art Board quickly
⦁ Use Custom Assets, by using the tools provided by Adobe XD
This course is for you if you:
⦁ Are a beginner or novice to Android App development or UI Designing
⦁ Want to understand Adobe XD to build custom UI for Android Application
⦁ Love to do new things
This course is not for you if:
You are an expert or intermediate developer
What software do you need?
Adobe XD (free) which runs on PC / Mac
Do you need experience?
No. I assume you are a complete beginner to designing and development in general
Project Description:
I would like you to create a similar project to what is shown in the course. Please put your own imagination on it.
As a reminder you will make:
⦁ A multi screen UI for the Quiz Application.
⦁ Custom Logo to make it look good
⦁ Custom assets