Your Business Plan Matters

Your Business Plan Matters, The Business Plan Playbook for Authors.
Course Description
Are you stuck and uncertain with no clear vision for your author business? Know you need a plan but are unsure how to start? Do you want to design a business plan that suits your needs and not feel as though you are trying to fit the industry’s needs? Do you want to show up with more confidence every day because you know your direction?
You’re in the right place!
I designed this online course to share with you how you can do exactly that! By creating your business plan playbook, you will also be creating your path to success, whatever success looks like for you. This is the most important part. We are all so busy looking at what others are doing that we forget not all journeys (and definitions of success) are the same.
In this course, you will work through thought-provoking questions that will allow you to design your business plan so that you can confidently walk toward the vision you have set your heart on. I will share with you the fun way I’ve laid out my business plan so that 90% of your frustration can be a thing of the past!
You deserve a life that is:
· Limitless
· Inspiring
· Dazzling
It all starts by aligning your dreams and vision with planning and strategies!
You have the power to transform your author journey and take your career to the next level. All you have to do is take the next step and decide.
* Decide that you will do whatever it takes to realize your vision.
* Decide not to let fear hold you back.
* Decide that today is going to be the day you take charge!
So what are you waiting for? Let’s craft your author business plan playbook and build a successful authorpreneur empire!