The Quick Start Guide to Business Analysis

The Quick Start Guide to Business Analysis, Learn the very basics of Business analysis.

Course Description

A quick and easy guide to Business analysis for beginners – understand the tasks a BA does every day. The course contains many examples and tricks.

The following topics are covered:

  • The right questions to ask – high level questions to understand the big picture and detailed questions to figure out the processing logic
  • How to represent the information – using text, diagrams and  wireframes. Use workflow diagrams to represent the process. Create wireframes to discuss the UI for the new features. Understand different formats to describe the processing logic
  • How to manage your requirements – create tasks on Jira and manage them. Understand the requirements quality criteria and break down the tasks properly.
  • Collaborate successfully with the stakeholders – understand who the stakeholders are and various ways to approach them. Organize various types of meetings and use different communication channels depending on the context. The most common situations are represented with examples. Learn how to validate your requirements with the business stakeholders

More than 1 hour of video content, 5 tutorials, 5 additional examples with downloadable resources

Are you curious what GIVEN WHEN THEN means, or what the difference between a wireframe and a mock-up is? Can you guess what brainstorming actually means?

Then let’s get started!

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