Stakeholder Engagement Strategies – Part 02

Stakeholder Engagement Strategies – Part 02, Effectively influence and manage stakeholder engagement, interests, and expectations for better project results.

Course Description

This is part two of a two-part course.

Stakeholder management is one of the key soft skills a project manager needs. Keeping your stakeholders engaged and happy is critical for maintaining good stakeholder relationships.

Engaging stakeholders requires a different range of skills than those needed for managing team members. For effective stakeholder management, you need to possess the ability to choose the right communication style and techniques, depending on different situations and stakeholders.

You will understand the process of identifying the different stakeholders of a project. You will also go through the basics of stakeholder analysis following their identification, which allows you to determine each stakeholder’s level of interest, power, engagement, and satisfaction in relation to a project. The goal of project stakeholders’ identification and analysis is the creation of an accurate communication plan that will ensure efficient collaboration between all parties involved in a project.

Along this course, you will learn how to:

  • Identify stakeholders
  • Apply stakeholder identification methods: Circle, Mind Mapping, Wheel
  • Create and maintain a stakeholder register
  • Classify stakeholders
  • Elaborate a stakeholder map
  • Develop a stakeholder engagement plan
  • Set a stakeholder communication strategy
  • Deal with difficult stakeholders

Enrol in this Stakeholder Engagement Strategies course and improve your influencing skills and develop the high-level competence required to manage diversity, generate buy-in and effective collaboration from key stakeholders, and remove obstacles to project progress and success.

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