Setting Up The Purrfect Customer Service QA Program

Setting Up The Purrfect Customer Service QA Program, Learn about implementing conversation reviews over 12 videos.

Starting from scratch – our first quality assurance course!

Boost your customer service team to its fullest potential. Join Riley, Klaus’ educational expert, to learn about implementing conversation reviews, step-by-step over 12 videos.

Quality assurance isn’t exclusively for engineering teams. Customer support and all other customer facing teams can benefit from a dedicated QA program. This course will help you understand what is needed to create your very own review program as well as give you handy tips and tricks that will help you launch your review program successfully.

Quality assurance for customer service can:

Improve your teams CSAT scores

Ramp up your onboarding process for new employees

Identify weaknesses and training areas in your team

Show trends in your teams performance overtime

You shouldn’t rely solely on CSAT to determine the quality of your support. Some customers never leave CSAT, and others may be influenced by factors outside of your support teams control. By tracking your internal quality score (IQS) you can judge the quality of your support based on your own criteria. Adding IQS to your already tracked metrics such as CSAT will provide you with a more holistic view of your teams performance.

This course is made of 6 lessons, with each lesson comprising of 2 videos. Each lesson also has accompanied lesson resources that will help you on your path to building your own QA program.

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