Power BI in less than 1 hour

Power BI in less than 1 hour, Learn data visualisation in Power BI.

The course- Power BI in less than 1 hr- teaches students how to use Power BI for business analytics and intelligence in less than an hour. Students will be taught how to set up power BI; how to import data into power BI; how to transform and merge datasets; how to generate pivot tables and plots; how to use slicers to slice data; and finally, how to publish reports in Power BI. At the end of the course, students will be well equipped to visualise data using charts, tables, slicers, pivot charts and tables, using Power BI. This knowledge of data visualisation in Power BI will enable students to seek Business Analytics and Business Intelligence roles in industry. Data Visualisation is a key took in any data analyst and data scientists tool kit, and Power BI is one of the most widely used softwares for data visualisation, so having knowledge of Power BI will allow students to progress as business intelligence and data analysts.

The course has been designed to teach Power BI to students in the shortest amount of time as possible. And at the end of the course, students will be able to create beautiful reports, using pivot tables and pivot plots, that will aid in data visualisation. This course attempts at helping students master Power BI for data visualisation. The following topics are taught in the course:

1. Installing Power BI

2. Importing data into Power BI

3. Merging data

4. Transforming data

5. Calculated fields in Power BI

6. Pivot Tables in Power BI

7. Pivot Plots in Power BI

8. Slicers in Power BI

9. Publishing reports in Power BI

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