Negotiating Your Salary and Compensation

Negotiating Your Salary and Compensation, Effectively negotiating a salary increase (or perks) in your current job.
Don’t we all wish we made more money?
Negotiating your salary can be tough. Especially with a hostile boss or HR.
But there are things that can be done to improve your chances.
My name is Vasco Patrício. I’m an executive performance and persuasion coach. I have helped countless clients:
- Increase their salary or other perks;
- Obtain support from key people in the company (including past “haters”);
- Become indispensable to their departments;
- Easily obtain support and buy-in from others to ease their career;
In this course, we are going to cover the salary negotiation process. We split this into three phases:
- The Preparation (gathering your facts, making them look better, preparing for the interaction);
- The Presentation (communicating with strength and clarity, and getting your ask across);
- The Negotiation (going back and forth with the other side, but using specific techniques to make sure the end result is better for you than for them);
For this purpose, we are going to leverage a combination of soft skills and persuasion techniques. These will accelerate your logical demands, helping you disarm the other side when they are not cooperating, and moving you further towards a result that is good for you.
If you think this course could help you, it would be a pleasure to have you as a student. See you on the inside!
Are you going to take your negotiation game to the next level?
Warning: Choose the Right Course!
This course is part of the “Negotiating Salary and Compensation” series, containing different courses for different purposes:
– Negotiating Salary and Compensation (“generic” version);
– Negotiating Salary and Compensation for Executives (in executive situations, based on the success of your initiatives);
– Negotiating Salary and Compensation for IT Professionals (for coders, tech leads, others);
– Negotiating Salary and Compensation for Marketing Professionals (for campaign managers, event mangers, others);
– Negotiating Salary and Compensation for Startup Employees;
– Negotiating Salary and Compensation in Asset Management (for traders, analysts. PMs, fund managers);
These courses are 50% similar (half of the course, the “base course”, is the same for all, while 50% is “custom” to each situation. The “generic” version only contains the 50% that is the “base course”, which is why it has a lower price.
If you’re interested in another version of this series instead of this one, just search by name on the course directory or my profile.