Master Course in Organizational Behavior and Design

Master Course in Organizational Behavior and Design, Organizational behavior, Organizational Design, Organizational behavior analysis, and Organizational Psychology.
What you will learn?
- Learning the Introduction of Organizational behavior and organizational design
- Understand the types and importance of organizational behavior(OB)
- How Major Goals and theories of organizational behavior influence the business
- Learn the Importance and elements of organizational design
- Understand the major components and create the best organizational design
Course Requirements
- No programming experience is needed. You will learn everything you need to know
- Basic knowledge of the organization, Business and HR activities, and Business development skills
Course Description
Master course in Organizational behavior and Organizational Design: Organizations are made up of individuals. Each person has their own aspirations, values, perceptions, and behavior. Individuals aren’t the same. Understanding how organizations work helps us understand how people behave. To make an organization more efficient. Management needs to understand human behavior in an organization. There are two main points in organizational behavior: 1. Nature of humans and 2. Nature of organization.
It’s a study of how individuals, groups, and structures affect behavior within organizations, with the goal of improving them.
In an organization, it’s about how people behave and how that affects performance. The course and sessions state that these behaviors have to do with work, jobs, absenteeism, turnover, productivity, and performance as well we will learn about creating the best organizational design for every business.
A company’s behavior includes motivation, leader behavior, power and relationships, interpersonal communication, group structure, learning, attitude development, conflict, work design, and work stress.
Organizing design involves identifying dysfunctional aspects of workflow, procedures, structures, and systems. It involves realigning them so they fit current business realities/goals, and then coming up with a plan for implementing them. Business and technical improvements are both parts of the process. A design process typically leads to better organizational design, better results (profitability, customer service, internal operations), and more engaged employees.
In this master course, you can learn the five major topics of
1. Introduction of Organizational behavior and organizational design
2. Types and importance of organizational behavior
3. Goals and theories of organizational behavior
4. Importance and elements of organizational design
5. Major components and best organizational design
Who this course is for:
- All UG, PG Business and management students, HR Executives, Business development leaders, Business Directors, Startup mentors, and Entrepreneurs