Make every Project a Success with the GIDAR Method

Make every Project a Success with the GIDAR Method, How to Consistently Grow businesses using Information and Data.
Course Description
GIDAR is an Analytics Method that ensures systematic Business Impact.
Still today, 80% of Business Analytics and AI projects FAIL.
Why do we still struggle to make sense of the enormous amount of data available in the information era?
- Unrealistic Expectations: Analytics requests often include “mission impossible” questions that not even God is ready to answer. There is no magic button that you can press and tell you what to do with 100% of accuracy. That is what you need a method.
- Lack of Methodology: Because a company has the money, the technology, and even the people don’t mean that they will succeed using analytics. This part is where tools like the GIDAR Analytics Canvas can help put everyone on the same page.
- Change Management: Companies must understand that we are in a speedy humanity period and that people need time and support to embrace change.
GIDAR Analysis method addresses these points for you to avoid the Big Data hype trap. By setting up SMART Goals, applying a step by step process and using change management techniques, you will move from meaningless Reports to Results. How? Delivering insights, triggering change and measuring results.
GIDAR offers an easy yet powerful tool called the GIDAR Analytics Canvas that ensures that Information and Data translate into Change and Results.
The Canvas is free to use, and you can download it at GIDAR.ORG.
My teams and I have used the GIDAR methodology for years with outstanding results. I extracted all the successes(also failures), uncovered the patterns, and developed this free methodology to not worry more about its analysis.
If you think that data-analytics is just a trend, you find it challenging to drive results or convince your manager that you need to change, then this course is for you. These 90 minutes training will change how you use information and data at work and even in your personal life.
GIDAR is a “Business Success Stories” factory.