Learn Power BI Basics

Learn Power BI Basics, In this tutorial you will be learning all basic knowledge required for Power BI and understanding Power BI component.

As Data is the new electricity, Power BI is a new factual Powerpoint to view your mirror of business. Power BI Provides end-to-end data analytics, Business Intelligence, Stunning visualization, and rich reporting pillar for your organization.

In this course, Dr. Vishal will teach you how to use Power BI From scratch

Power BI transforms your company’s data into rich visuals for you to collect and organize so you can focus on what matters to you. Stay in the know, spot trends as they happen, and push your business further.

Let us help you bring your data to life!

Are you looking for new ways to find and visualize data and share discoveries? Power BI can help. This collection of tools, online services, and features from Microsoft transforms your company’s data into rich visuals for you to collect and organize, so you can spot trends, collaborate in new ways, and make sense of your data.

This video tutorial contains the following chapter decks

  1. Power BI Dashboard in Hour (1 Hr)
  2. Power BI Dashboard in Day (4 Hr)
  3. Power BI Basics (1 Hr)
  4. Power BI Report Server In Details (1 Hr)

It takes 5 seconds to lose focus on using technology to make it work. Your Onboarding (not HR or Job) cohesive convergence with technology sets its path to destine to maneuver technology.

You learn on your own first, and Then you share experiences to gain interest and teach. But what if we share our universal expertise with you so you can explore the possibilities of exploding technology in your organization and especially to you.

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