Anti Money Laundering (AML CFT) and CDD a complete guide

Anti Money Laundering (AML CFT) and CDD a complete guide, Anti Money Laundering and Combating Financial Terrorism (AML CFT) , Know your customer (KYC), Customer Due DiligenceCDD.
Course Description
Hi, today we will learn about Anti money laundering / Combating Financial Terrorism and Customer Due Diligence concepts and processes those financial institutions follow under the guidelines issued by respective central banks and FATF. Our course will cover the money laundering practices that effects the economy and how they are done generally and why they are negative to our economy. We will also try to learn about tackling this ill practices.
Our focus will also be on terror financing its elements how it is done and how we can counter to create a better and safer financial system. Since we are in the modern era where we act as a global village we need to act globally to have a safe financial system.
We will also look into some case studies as examples how Money laundering and terror financing identified and where financial institutions failed or succeed against money laundering and terror financing.
FATF (Financial Action Task Force) is a regulatory body who oversights processes and assesses possibilities of Money Laundering and Terror Financing globally. Every country has to follow its regulations and if failed will be blacklisted and countries follow its grading in terms of trade with countries and if FATF makes any country blacklist the countries will not trade and do business activities and investment in these blacklisted countries
The training material is extracted from the laws and regulations made by FATF in its recommendations and to implement those countries made regulations which we called AML Regulations.