Discover the wonderful world of nudibranchs!

Discover the wonderful world of nudibranchs!, And how to photograph them.

Over 3.000 nudibranch species in the world, most of them are tiny in size. They are full of colors and you can found them everywhere.

Did you know that they take their color from their food? That’s a fact but also a hint of where you will be able to find them.
Learn more in the course…

Do you know how to find them? Do you know how to photograph them?

In the beginning, it won’t be easy but it will be adventurous. Every time you dive (freedive or scuba dive) you will want to search to find more nudibranchs. In each size and in each shape it will fill your dreams and dives.

And if you are freediving then you will know to learn how to have neutral buoyancy, to keep your breath, and to focus your camera on the mm size nudibranchs.

Are you ready to do it?

After the completion of this course, you will understand the basics of the biology of nudibranchs, where and how we are able to find them in the vast ocean, why are important, and how to photograph them correctly without damaging the environment or harass those tiny critters or any other animal.

Then you will have the basic information, but you will need more to learn, and more practice to do in your every dive.

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