İntroduction to Remote Sensing Technics

İntroduction to Remote Sensing Technics, Remote Sensing Applications in Real Projects/Step By Step.
Hello Guys,
In this course, you will learn “How to Use Remote Sensing Techniques in ArcGIS(Step by Step)” is supported by the applications and presented to participiants. You will have valuable chance to learn main techniques for remote sensing. By this way, you will learn how to create Remote Sensing Analyses for your thesis and projects topics.
In this course, We will create our own study area then we will start to use remote sensing techniques. (You will be able to use your own study area how to use)
You are not expected to learn about Advanced Remote Sensing Concepts by purchasing this course. Having basic level knowledge of using ArcGIS program will be able to help you understand the course more effectively. If you want to learn deeply how to use ArcGIS, you can reach the basic level information by starting with my another course, “Learn ArcGIS From The Zero (3 Module/Beginner to Advance).” You could refresh your skills 😉
After 3 hours training,totally 12 lectures. Enrolling this course,you will be able to learn these techniques:
- How to download Landsat Satellite Images according to specified criteria,
- How to clip the working area we determined on the downloaded Landsat 8 Satellite Image with different methods (Clip)
- How to produce Composite Satellite Image using bands of Landsat 8 satellite image,
- Examination of different band combinations of Lansat 8 satellite image,
- How to make supervised classification by using composite image.
- How to calculate the detail class areas of supervised classification Satelite Image
- Why and how to make unsupervised classification
- How take vector datasets from the raster data
- How to make accuracy analysis for supervised classification.
- How to make vegetation density using NVDI analysis,
- How to analyze the temporal change by analyzing Landsat5 images of different times of a region where Flood Disaster is experienced,
- How to improve the spatial resolution of the Landsat 7 ETM + image with a spatial resolution of 30 * 30 m by using the pansharpened method,
- Image Proccesing,
- Analysis of the Image Analysis tool
- And many of the tips….
- International Udemy Certificate
- This course will be yourse permanently (Life Time Access)
*English subtitles are ready available! Its the best way to understand tutorials if you are non english speakers. Everyone is welcome to my course (I created substitles step by step to think who doesnt understand english well)
In this course, you will learn the Basic Remote Sensing Techniques and how to perform these methods for our applications. All Methods are pretty easy to understand and practical with applications. This course is going to to help your GIS projects.If you wonder or if you wanna learn RMS technics, its good start with Remote Sensing Applications.
Thank you!