Advanced Android: Create a Real-REST API Client Application

Advanced Android: Create a Real-REST API Client Application, Quick Course to learn how to build a beautiful Wallpaper Android App with Retrofit, GSON, Realm, ButterKnife, and Glide.

Course Description

Every developer wants to build a REAL THING, a REAL APPLICATION not just something for learning.

In this course, you will learn how to build a real and beautiful Wallpaper Application by using Unsplash API.

And of course, you will learn how to use a lot of popular Android libraries such as Retrofit, GSON, Realm, ButterKnife, and Glide 4.

  • If you are an Android Developer but don’t know exactly how to build a REST API Client App.
  • Are you an Android developer who wants to upgrade your Android skill?
  • Or you want to build beautiful stuff.

This is THE COURSE for you.

With only a few hours of content, this course will CHANGE your Android skill.

Don’t wait and enroll today. I hope to see you in my course!

P/s: This course has ENGLISH subtitles. So don’t worry!

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