SwiftUI Mini Course – Adding MVVM
SwiftUI Mini Course – Adding MVVM, Add MVVM to a SwiftUI sample project. Learn Layered Architecture and how to examine projects for Code Review.
================ 13 years in iOS ====================
1. This course is free. I hope that it helps to continue the discussions on architecture with the new realise of SwiftUI, which is using a new type of programming paradigm (known as the Reactive Programming). We wont discuss Reactive but we DO discuss MVVM and awesome architecture.
2. We introduce the MVVM architectural design pattern into a sample project using a really simple approach that only takes a few minutes.
3. We focus on what’s known as having a layered architecture. A layered architecture is when you separate the responsibilities into layers which sit on top of each other. As an example, we could have an application with 3 layers. Layer 1 (the lowest layer) could be the networking layer, layer 2 would sit ontop consisting of our business logic and ViewModels and finally layer 3 (the top layer) would only display UI and is known as the presentation layer. The layers communicate between each other but the information passes between layers and so Layer 1 would not communicate to Layer 3 directly without passing the communication to Layer 2.
The alternative to a layered architecture is known as ‘spaghetti code’, which you may be familiar with. Spaghetti code doesn’t have much of a structure and individual classes seem to talk to each other on an individual to individual basis. Also, each file typically isn’t reduced to use only one Single Responsibility (my advice: don’t write a class that does more than one thing!). With spaghetti code the classes and structs tend to do a lot of things.
Tip: Avoid writing spaghetti code because it is untidy, harder to read, lacks structure and ultimately makes it more difficult (and more expensive) to maintain.
Free Videos & Courses
These courses are free. I hope you enjoy them. I keep the course short. 1 hour is pretty good to learn some new tricks. Architecture is the foundation of engineering and I hope I can encourage everyone to learn more about it. I will help out where I can and share as often as possible.
The Instructor
Check out my Instructor profile (just briefly) and glance over it to know about my experience. After 13 years on iOS I would like to start giving back and supporting my fellow iOS developers.
Apple has given me a great career and if possible I would like to contribute to this incredibly talented and highly skilled community.
Whats a Mini Course
A course that is roughly 1 hour long and with only a handful of videos so that it is easily completable in a day! So many people have asked for short little courses and I completely understand why users / developers would want something they can finish in an hour. I hope this helps.
Coming Soon
- How To Perform A Code Review
- Mini Course – SwiftUI FOR THOSE Who Know Nothing About It
Hope to see you soon x